Why invest in property?

Investment properties have many benefits when building long-term wealth. If you take the time and select your investment properties well, property can deliver good returns for long-term investors. If you are thinking of arranging loans to secure an investment property, consult with your local Purvanchal Homes Realtech Choice broker to secure a suitable loan that will help to minimise your risk and maximise your return.

Will an investment loan be any different to my existing loan?

There are few differences between what you need to do to borrow for a property you'll live in and for one you'll rent out. Some lenders charge a higher interest rate for investment properties because their risk may be higher. But this may not necessarily be the case. If you’re unsure how an investment loan would potentially impact your financial circumstances, your local Purvanchal Homes Realtech Choice broker can help you to explore the implications.

What is a broker?

An agent who is authorized to open and run his/her own agency. All real estate offices have one principal broker.

How long does the loan process take?

Most mortgages originated today calculate interest in arrears, unlike consumer loans which calculate interest to the date of payment receipt. As an example, when borrowers pay their February mortgage payments, they are paying the January interest. This method of calculating interest is based on a 360 day year in which each month has 30 days.

How can I avoid private mortgage insurance?

The easiest way to avoid PMI is by putting 20% down payment; however, PMI can also be avoided if you only have 5% or 10% for the down payment. The way to accomplish this is via a first and second mortgage combination commonly referred to as 80/10/10^s or 80/15/5^s.

These two methods combine a first mortgage lien for 80% of the home price with a second mortgage lien for either 10% or 15% of the home price leaving the remaining 5% or 10% as the down payment. Because the first lien is at the magical 80% loan=to-value, there is no PMI required, even though a second mortgage is being |piggybacked| onto the financing thus allowing for the lessor down payment.

While the second lien terms are not as attractive as first lien rates, the second mortgage is still home mortgage interest and thus deductible as such on your federal tax return where PMI is insurance and offers no deduction.

How is interest calculated on a mortgage loan?

Most mortgages originated today calculate interest in arrears, unlike consumer loans which calculate interest to the date of payment receipt. As an example, when borrowers pay their February mortgage payments, they are paying the January interest. This method of calculating interest is based on a 360 day year in which each month has 30 days.